The Oxford Shoe: A Memorial Day Contribution

Friday, May 23, 2014

Being that Memorial Day weekend is upon us, I have been thinking about how grateful I am to have our military personal fighting for our freedom, especially since I have THREE brothers who have or are currently serving in the armed forces. Thank you Josh, Brendon and Jarrod for all you've done for our country now and through the years- I am truly grateful!

At this point, you're probably wondering what the heck my photos of oxfords have to do with Memorial Day?! Well, let me just first state now (to not offend anyone/give the wrong idea)-- I am NO way putting the value of a brogue/oxford above or even at a close notch to our servicemen and all they do for us and our country. Besides, that would be a very offensive statement, and just plain CrAzY!!....BUTTTTTTT....continue reading for more...

Sometimes a girl's gotta give a shout out to a shoe that's earned it's own Memorial Day (so-to-speak). Here are my reasons:

1.) They've paid their dues: Did you know the Oxford shoe has been around in the US since the early 1800s and before that in Ireland and Scotland? And they are STILL going strong in all sorts of styles- vintage, modern, minimal, colorful, printed, laced and raffia.

2.) They're highly educated: They were named after Oxford University. Nothing wrong with that- both stylish AND smart. THANK you for not making us choose between brains and beauty!! Unbeatable!

3.) Timeless Elegance: These shoes have not only been around for centuries (YES, centuries), they've managed to look better and better with time. Men and women wear them with an assortment of suits, jeans, shorts, socks, no socks, dresses, skirts, name it, it's been done. The best part-- most of the people sporting these shoes are very chic and artfully dressed.

Alas, those are my reasons for giving the Oxford Shoe it's own (faux) Memorial Day.

So, will YOU join in on the thanks for Oxfords? I'd love to hear- if you're a fan, yay! If you're not, why not? Please leave me a comment below! Oh, and HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!

Peace, Love, Joy,


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